As it stands in the Assassin’s Creed franchise, the women warriors are regulated to the spin-off. While this is a step in the right direction for female representations in games, I wonder when Ubisoft will have the gumption to make a female the main character. Though her back story goes into Templars and the Qing dynasty and some stuff about how she balances her mind and body through the blade of her katana, what’s important here is that she is a female, and you can play as her. Among its cast of three heroic scalawags is The Orchid. Most of the time mods are just to fix the stupid stuff Ubisoft wouldn't fix themselves so you'll not find anything in the way of Skyrim scale mods, just small, quality of life tweaks like removing some visual effects and some cool outfit mods.Blackbeard’s Wrath (absolutely nothing to do with Montezuma’s revenge) is the multiplayer content for Assassin’s Creed 4 that’s out today, Dec. The modding scene for AC games is not very large.

I'll put only two for you to check out, though both of them replace the same outfit(It's obtained through the fleet in the mission Mediterranean Sea>Great Reputation 1)Ĭlassic Assassin outfit mod(The video does contain an early game cutscene so I timestamped it past that to just free roam gameplay, if the times stamp doesn't work, skip to 1:01 if you don't want to know anything about the story) HEREĭuncan Walpole outfit mod(Just gives you back the starting outfit, I like that one and the game doesn't give it back to you so I like this mod) HERE Other than that I would reccomend to download some outfit mods, but I'll leave that mostly up to you to find those. I find my comfortable level between 125-150, but that entirely depends on your monitor, the settings you are using on it and the game you are playing. I personally use VibranceGUI as I just find it more practical with being able to set different values for different apps and sometimes the reshade vibrance looks a little off and sometimes downright ugly.

Wheather you want to do that through your drivers or through something like VibranceGUI or the reshade itself doesn't matter at all. Other than that I would reccomend to turn up the digital vibrance as that adds a lot more color to the game. They can do anything from removing dust effect to just making the image sharper all the way to adding extreme depht of field.

They are customizable so you can fine tune them to what you want. What I think you mean by graphics mods are higher resolution textures or completely re-done ones, those are rare and I don't think there are a lot for AC4. There aren't a lot of "graphics mods" as you would propably understand.